Teeth Roots Exposed – Causes and Solutions | Supremia Dentistry

You’ll likely have exposed roots if you’ve ever had gum recession or receding gums. Exposed roots are common among those with dental fluorosis when the enamel isn’t as strong because high fluoride concentrations damage it as we grow.

When your gums recede due to an infection or plaque buildup, it will lead to exposed tooth roots. These roots are called “exposed” because they are visible to us (when they shouldn’t be). There are a few reasons why this happens and what you can do about it. Read on to learn more!

Teeth Roots Exposed: What’s Going On?

If the soft tissue around your tooth roots is seriously damaged, your dentist may be forced to expose the roots for a procedure. If you have a bad case of dental fluorosis, you might have a few exposed roots that need to be treated immediately to avoid further complications. 

Gum recession and loose gum tissue can lead to tooth-root exposure since they can’t protect the tooth roots as they should. If you have crooked teeth, then your teeth may be out of place, leading to the exposure of your tooth roots. 

In case you have crowded or misaligned teeth, they may cause damage to one another which can lead to some mild to severe dental problems. This can cause gum damage around the tooth roots, leaving them exposed. 

Whatever the case is, there can always be a way to fix them. Contact your trusted dentist if you are dealing with any of these problems. 

Recognizing When A Root Is Exposed

You can tell if a tooth root is exposed if it’s visible when you look inside your mouth. You’ll likely notice the root because of its rough texture compared to the smooth surrounding tissue. You can check with a mirror and a bright light or with the assistance of your dentist.

If you’ve ever had gum recession or your gums have receded, then you are probably suffering from exposed tooth roots. You might also have exposed tooth roots if you’ve had misaligned teeth (either due to orthodontic work or just because of their natural position) that are in contact with each other.

You can also have exposed tooth roots if your gums have been weakened by infection. If you have gum disease like gingivitis, you may have inflammation around the roots of your teeth, which can cause them to recede, leaving the roots exposed and more susceptible to harmful bacteria. 

Typical Symptoms Of An Exposed Tooth Root

You might have damaged or receding gums, which can lead to exposed roots. But, warning signs that your tooth roots are exposed include:

Swollen Gums and Foul Smell

If your roots are exposed, they are susceptible to infection. If you have an infection, your roots might become inflamed, which makes them red and swollen. You may also notice pus or a bad smell coming from the area, and you may have pain when eating or drinking hot or cold beverages.

You Can’t Clean Your Teeth as Well

If a root is partially exposed, you won’t be able to clean it as well as other parts of your teeth, resulting in a buildup of plaque and a higher risk of cavities since the gums are likely to be very sensitive. 

You’ve Got a Bad Bite

A misalignment of the teeth can lead to many complications when not treated immediately. They can cause the roots of your teeth to be exposed because of the bad alignment of your teeth. 

Be On The Look Out For These Causes (and How to Avoid Them)!

There are a lot of different reasons your tooth roots might be exposed. Here are some BOLOs and the ways to avoid them.

Limit Your Fluoride Intake

If you have fluorosis, work with your dentist to find a lower-concentration toothpaste, avoid mouthwash with fluoride, and be careful about what you drink. 

Get Your Bite Checked

If you have misaligned teeth, talk to your dentist about ways to straighten your teeth to prevent further damage.

Use Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush can prevent damage to your gums, which can cause them to recede and expose roots.

Protect Your Gums

If you have gum disease, see a dentist as soon as possible to treat it. Gum disease is the usual cause of tooth roots being exposed. 

Remember, the best way to prevent gum recession or receding gums is to maintain regular oral hygiene habits.

Options For Fixing Your Exposed Tooth Root

There are several options for fixing your exposed tooth root. As mentioned, the first option is simply to have the root canal filled with dental cement. The dental cement will fill in the hole and restore the root. If the exposed tooth root is significant enough, it may require additional tooth removal to restore proper space and allow the root to grow correctly.

Various procedures can be used to fix your exposed tooth root. For example, endodontic therapy can be used to treat your exposed tooth root by filling and sealing the root canal with dental material or by removing calculus or plaque build-up from around the root. A dentist or oral surgeon can perform these procedures successfully.

Finally, some people choose to have crowns placed over their exposed tooth roots. Crowns are much more durable than porcelain veneers and can cover various shapes and sizes. The crowns can also cover any gaps around your teeth and provide added protection against injury, erosion, and decay.

Suggestions For An Exposed Root Treatment

If you’ve got exposed roots, it’s best to take extra care of your teeth. Be especially careful when brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Brush your teeth gently, and try to avoid scrubbing the roots.

Be sure to visit the dentist regularly so they can monitor your roots’ condition and ensure they’re not getting worse. If you’ve got an exposed tooth root, you can help prevent further damage by avoiding activities that pressure your teeth, like chewing ice cubes or hard foods.

When Roots Are Exposed Too Far For An Easy Fix

If the exposed roots are too far gone for a simple fix, you may have to consider tooth extraction. This doesn’t mean you have to get dentures. However, your dentist can remove your teeth and create space for your other teeth to shift into.

When the gums have significantly receded, the dentist may suggest having your tooth removed entirely. You can always opt to replace the extracted tooth with a dental implant. 

This can be a good option if you have a tooth causing damage to its roots and there’s no way to save it. If your tooth roots are exposed, and you’re feeling anxious or worried, it’s natural. Be sure to talk to your dentist about your concerns, and know there are ways to help protect your tooth roots and keep them healthy.

An Exposed Tooth Root Gets You To The Dentist; Now It’s Your Turn To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Keeping your gums healthy is key to preventing future root problems. Brush twice daily, avoid sugary and acidic foods, rinse with water after meals, and get regular cleanings and exams from your dentist. 

If you’ve ever had gum recession or your gums have receded, you may have some exposed roots. It’s essential to monitor the condition of your roots and keep them healthy.

Contact Supremia Dentistry For Your Next Dental Visit

Regular dental check-ups are an essential part of being healthy. This way, you can monitor your teeth and hums to prevent them from receding, which can lead to exposed tooth roots. At Supremia Dentistry, we want to ensure you are healthy and happy.

That’s why we provide high-quality dental service for our patients. We offer a wide range of services, including teeth whitening, straightening, and dentures. If you need help with tooth root exposure, click the button below to make an appointment today!